Sunday, June 16, 2013

Premiere of TIR NA NOG in SL10B: "The Cave" and "The Flower"

TIR NA NOG, the cyber renaissance of Celtic Myths in the SL10B

It's our pleasure to invite you to come today Sunday to dive into our special premiere collages The Cave and The Flower for the 10th Anniversary of Second Life (SL10B), where we were invited to participate showing a part of our project in Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA).

Time: From June 16 to June 29, open 24h

Both collages are interactive so, please, follow these instructions to do better you're immersive experience:

1- Configurate enviroment in midnigth settings
2- Turn on your sounds (in sounds and media)
In The Cave (plot #35):
3- The stones at floor are a trap ;) If you wanna go to the center and don't fall into the water, you must run before stone crash
4- Once in the center, please click one of the cornes of this plot (at the water side) and rest of exhibition will appear
5- To hide again the structure just click one more time the build.

Enjoy! :)

Performing & CG Art Team

***Please, feed the artists! Help us to build Tir Na Nog with your donations. We truly appreciate it.

Click on picture to see it better

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